Our week in the forest

Wimbledon - Life Cycles!

Wimbledon - Life Cycles!

This week at Wimbledon we have been really testing our physical abilities. The children have been doing some climbing in our “imagination tree”, clambering through the “squeezy tree” and balancing on the obstacle courses. It has been great to watch their perseverance and determination as they start the week a bit wobbly, and then show such proudness when they can do it independently by the end of the week

Twickenham - "Cave Baby"!

Twickenham - "Cave Baby"!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar came to the forest this week as we read the story by Eric Carle and talked about the life cycle of the butterfly. One of our super educators created an amazing caterpillar head with cardboard and paint and provided a variety of fruit which we then enjoyed feeding to the caterpillar head through his large round mouth. Naming of the fruit in turn led to discussions around good food for caterpillars and children to help them all grow and be healthy.