What a glorious spring week we have had at Little Forest Folk Twickenham!
Saint Patrick’s Day was celebrated this week as we learnt the Irish greeting “Happy Saint Patrick’s Day” - “La Fheile Padraig sona Dhuit”. Large cardboard numbered coins were hidden about the forest and once found were painted gold with turmeric, a natural ingredient and re-hidden for others to find. Rainbows were painted and created throughout the forest and small green hats were made.
Our theme this week was superheroes, art and design. The children have delighted in sharing their ideas of what their super powers would be if they were superheroes. They have expressed that they would like to fly, be invisible, jump higher than our plane tree, run as fast as a wolf, throw webs, and make things freeze! Masks were created and capes billowed behind our intrepid heroes as they swooped through the forest saving worms and squirrels from a variety of dangers. Some of our Superheroes created their own comic books to chronicle their adventures learning how to create the page with its boxes, images and speech bubbles.
Music was an important part of our play and learning this week as we had superhero parades and we learnt about rhythm as we beat out the syllables of each superhero name. Favourite songs were sung and our older children delighted in making up songs, using tunes we already sing but adding their own words and new rhymes. Our boomwhacker musical tubes became mega phones and walking sticks as well as drumsticks and didgeridoos, and the bells were rattled to herald the arrival of the king of the forest, where superhero play turned into the Royal Kingdom of Twickenham with kings and princes, knights and queens wearing tiaras and armed with shields and swords. Proclamations were made by the king on his throne and many came to speak with him and request favours.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend with your families!
Little Forest Folk