
Fulham - A Blooming Great Week!

Fulham - A Blooming Great Week!

With the spring equinox behind us, it's truly an exciting time in the forest! 🌳 Spring is here, and our intrepid explorers have been experts at spotting the signs! Of course, a few weeks ago, the sun tricked us into thinking spring had arrived before the equinox, but our clever Little Forest Folk explorers couldn't be fooled. The signs, however, are all here now, and we've been enjoying adventures this week to see the magnolias, almond blossoms, daffodils, and wild garlic! Everything is in bloom, including our young minds! 🌱We love winter but are 🌸blooming 🌼 happy to see spring arrive!

Fulham - Fancy a Trip to the Bug Hotel?

Fulham - Fancy a Trip to the Bug Hotel?

This week we went bug-crazy and displayed our love for the creatures around us by creating homes for our creepy crawly friends. Using recycled cardboard materials, we chose a box that we thought would be perfect for such a creation. The space was divided into rooms and we discussed how we could make them cozy enough to live in!

Fulham - Love Is In The Air...

Fulham - Love Is In The Air...

This week at Little Forest Folk Fulham we have celebrated everything kindness, love and appreciation, with a particular focus on how we show our love for the people we hold closest - our friends & families. We have celebrated each other’s achievements with our Kindness Awards, written letters to the ones we hold dear into our Cupid Post Box and discussed our positive feelings about our families whilst getting stuck into Valentines themed crafting.

Fulham - Wonderful First Week Back!

Fulham - Wonderful First Week Back!

So we have returned after our amazing Christmas break away from the forest. As much as we enjoyed spending time with our loved ones and getting over the excitement of Christmas, we have all very much looked forward to coming back into the forest and sharing all our interesting stories with each other and finding out what our lovely little ones have been up to. 

Fulham - Little Forest Folk Animal Sanctuary!

Fulham - Little Forest Folk Animal Sanctuary!

With a particular focus on the ‘Understanding the World’ stage of development, we have named this week ‘Occupation Week’. We have explored a large array of ‘jobs’ and discussed what we think our parents/guardians’ occupations are. There were some fantastic roleplay areas set up throughout the week, where children could explore many different exciting workplaces.