We’ve had a fantastic week on camp!
Pancake Day
We celebrated one of our favourite days of the year…Pancake Day We discussed our favourite toppings and heard a lot of children loved jam on their pancakes, so we decided to make some ourselves! Our adventurers used their fine motor skills, patience and accuracy to slice a strawberry into small pieces. They then counted 3 raspberries, and put both ingredients into a bowl. They scooped a spoonful of honey, and used repeated motions to bash and squish these all together, until they resembled a gorgeous red jam. Children then spread their mixtures onto a scotch pancake and got to enjoy their afternoon sweet treat.
Birdhouse Making
Last week we made homes for our smaller creatures of the forest, our bugs and creepy crawlies. This week we thought we’d stick to the themes of animal loving, nurturing our environment and construction - so considered which other animals we could be architects for! Children used wooden pieces to slot together to create gorgeous birdhouses. They used the instruction manual (pictures) and were able to match up the corresponding pieces. Children displayed great patience, lining up the holes and slots and putting each section into the correct spot - with a little trial and error. We saw great mathematical problem solving thinking! Children then got to get creative and decorate these birdhouses with a selection of stickers, paint and mark making materials. We attached twine and hung these on the perfect branch on a tree in the Bishops Tree area
World Book Day
We celebrated World Book Day, an opportunity to celebrate our favourite Children’s Stories. We had a Winnie the Witch inspired mud kitchen with a witches cauldron, potion making and a whole-lotta magic. We gave ode to our favourite friend Pete the Cat, and had a musical sing song session of the classics. We had two book corners, divided into Fiction and Non-Fiction, so children could explore imaginative stories with magical worlds but also explore animal encyclopaedias and facts about our solar system. Children brought their own stories, some of which were read as whole group story times and some in 1-1 reading opportunities. It was a great day of celebration of literature and storytelling
Little Forest Folk