Morden - Holi & St. Patrick's Day!

It has been a colourful week in our Morden Forest! Our little ones had an amazing day experiencing the festival of Holi and St. Patrick’s Day! 

Our adventurers had a great time singing songs during circle time and engaging in play that focused on phonics. 

One of our favourite activities this week was focused on colour! We hunted around camp searching for different coloured objects, then made a colour palette to show the different colours they had found! Their next challenge was to then try to find more objects in different shades of the same colour! 

Small world play has been another one of our highlights of the week as well. The children explored the “marine” and “dino” world this week, while building fantastic stories around them, cementing some wonderful new vocabulary!

Last but not the least, slime took over our mud kitchen as we engaged in some great sensory play. The children also opened a lovely bakery, serving snacks and delicious drinks!

What a lovely week we’ve had!!

Little Forest Folk