Our week in the forest

Wimbledon - Cosy bug homes

Wimbledon - Cosy bug homes

With the Autumn arriving and the weather changing, the children have been looking at the different ways that the forest around us is changing and how we can use it day-to-day. The leaves are falling, which make for so many fun games and activities for the children, as well as the wind making it fun to watch as they fly through the air.

Fulham - “Shark, shark! Back on board me hearties!”

Fulham - “Shark, shark! Back on board me hearties!”

What a fantastic week it’s been! We have really noticed how helpful and attentive the children have been during our forest school rules and when interacting and playing with others. The many structures and activities set up can often mean lots of children are gathered in the same area and are keen to play with the same resources.

Wandsworth - Design discussions

Wandsworth - Design discussions

Over the past few days, we’ve rolled over the play ideas of the children that all very much enjoyed being pirates or sailors last week. From the very start of the day after breakfast, children have been rolling, lifting, and shifting all the logs, planks, nets and parts into even more magnificently mountainesque galleons fit for a formidable crew.