
Fulham - A Frosty Fulham Palace

Fulham - A Frosty Fulham Palace

So as another week closes in the Fulham forest it’s been an eventful and busy week. We started the week really focusing on number work and spent some time in the creative area practising writing our numbers. The older children even began to use the wooden numbers, creating little sums and then attempting to work them out. 

Chiswick - A Huge Wooden Bridge!

Chiswick - A Huge Wooden Bridge!

As most of the children are now back from holiday, we’ve been sharing a lot about the memories of each other’s winter break. This experience reminded us how capable children are of telling stories about their experiences, using their growing vocabulary and great facial expressions to tell us how exciting it was 🥰

Fulham - New Year, Same Fabulous Forest! 

Fulham - New Year, Same Fabulous Forest! 

Happy New Year to our wonderful Little Forest Folk families, what a fantastic first week back it has been!  We have all been so excited to welcome back all our little ones for a fresh new term here at Fulham and the children have been buzzing to be back. It is such a joy to see them so excited to jump right back into forest fun with their friends.