Flying saucers and ‘What’s the Time?’
What a wonderful week it’s been! We’ve had wonderful mornings with the children walking to the forest holding their hands and singing, or just admiring the landscape as it continues to change in shades of brown and green. The children enjoyed taking their time to absorb their surroundings and were ever so inquisitive about what they found.
This week, our Little Forest Folk-ers had a chance to continue an activity which they had started last week on Friday. We have been playing ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf?’ so much lately that our educators prepared something truly special for the children. They’ve learned about the concept of time and how to see the time on a clock, so they prepared an activity for the children to make their own clocks. With paper plates, pins, straps of paper and number stickers, they’ve created amazing clocks. Some of them had random numbers, some were almost accurate! But it was a wonderful experience and such an incredible effort from our children to make such a challenging task!
The layout in the forest this week was ever so inspiring and fun! We had a massive clock in the middle of our camp made from logs and planks and children all had a go at trying their best to follow the time as the day went by, counting the numbers and guessing which hour would be next!
On wild cooking day, the children had a wonderful time mixing flour, butter and milk. With their hands at the ready, once the dough was at the right consistency, it was time to stretch, squash and use the different cutters to cut their fabulous scones! A task that proved to be quite tricky, as the dough was slightly wet, and it got stuck to their fingers most of the time! With a little help from Ben and some added flour, the children finally were able to make their yummy scones.
This activity has become such a wonderful way to practice some fundamental skills in the forest. The children use scales to weigh ingredients, they learn how to safely use knives and peelers, they develop their fine motor skills, their communication skills, social skills and the list goes on. Most importantly, the children have so much fun doing it and telling us about how they cooked it at home!
Another fun experience was space day in the forest! The children made space sand using flour, oil and food colouring. They mixed the ingredients together, smelled the oil, felt the different textures from the dry ingredients which transformed into a soft, colourful consistency. It was delightful seeing them exploring their senses. They also made rockets and flying saucers out of paper plates and cardboard, with mini aliens attached to a string that they could hold and fly around the forest.
Our reading area continues to be a favourite with our little adventurers. We had books read over and over by our wonderful educators. We had stories shared at lunch time and circle time and the children’s imagination continues to thrive, blowing our minds with the most amazing plots!
Mark making has also been a favourite and our children have been practicing using different resources wherever they can! From chalk to mud, nothing stops our little ones from learning and developing their skills!
We hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Little Forest Folk