Chiswick - Colourful bubble jars and fireworks!

We had such a lovely active week despite the frosty weather 🥰

The weather has turned chilly outside but our Little Forest Folk-ers are loving every moment of it. The children have noticed the difference in weather and the change in the season. They are so in tune with the changes commenting on how dark it’s getting and how the leaves are falling and the trees are going to sleep. We also kept ourselves nice and warm with hot milk in the morning tea, which was such a treat in the frosty weather!

We’ve been little elves creating our Christmas decorations learning how to use an old fashioned palm drill to carve out holes to make a star. 🎄Children demonstrated their great focus and hand-eye coordination to do the job! 

We also had our science experiment in the forest, trying to make colourful bubble jars and fireworks! We mixed water and food colouring together. Then we used pipets to squeeze and suck the mixture up and release it into our jar of oil. Children were so excited when they saw the big bubbles floating in oil, commenting on their colours, shapes and sizes. Once we made lots of colourful bubbles in the oil, we poured it all into another jar of water to make rainbow fireworks! It was so lovely to see children’s eyes sparkle as they see the magical results of the experiment🌟

Have a lovely weekend, everyone🌟😊

Little Forest Folk