Wimbledon - Walking in a Wimbledon Wonderland!

The snow has fallen, all around us. The children are playing and having fun! 🎡

It’s been a week full of snowy adventures and icy discoveries in the forest at Wimbledon, with the children seeing a blanket of snow covering the forest all week. Seeing the excitement and festive feeling with everyone has been lovely and has given us all lots of opportunities to explore and discover new things.

We have made ice mandalas by putting leaves onto a plate and covering them with water before leaving them out overnight. The next day we had some wonderful decorations to look at and see what had happened to them in the cold. We have also used the hill on our meadow as the perfect spot for sledging. Using an old piece of wood and tying some rope to it we went down the hill as fast as we could. The children all worked together to pull each other down the hill and take it in turns to have a go on the sled. 

We also had a letter from Father Christmas which told us we had to go on a mission to find his hat! This was so magical and the children loved being part of this festive game! 

Another amazing week in the forest!

Little Forest Folk