Wandsworth - Snow, Crafts & Father Christmas

A simply magical week has been had by all. From marvellous amounts of fun in the snow to glue galore around craft tables inside, children and educators have been all smiles and laughter.

We all awoke to snow on Monday and educators were met with exceptionally excited faces at drop off! All wrapped up, we went out en masse as soon as we could. Every inch of snow was pushed, pulled, poked and ploughed around the field in sheer delight. For some, this was an entirely new experience which made for some very special moments of fun. Throughout the week we have been able to go into the snow twice a day and children made “igloos”, snow pies, and of course a splendid snowman with perfect stick arms and a carrot for a nose. Also, as expected the skies were filled with snowballs launched at educators from every single direction!! 

In the middle of the week, we were lucky to be visited by Father Christmas, who was first spotted by children on the field through a clubhouse window. Naturally, everyone was very excited and little legs seemed to walk faster than they ever had done before to get back indoors!

Inside, children met Santa and did some very kind, good listening and had some rather sensible and inquisitive questions for him. Next, St Nicolas read “The Gruffalos Child” and ended his visit by handing out some presents and answering a few more questions from the deep thinkers like “where are your reindeer?”

All in all, a great week was had by all. We hope you manage to keep warm this weekend and get everything you need to get done in the run up to Christmas! 

Little Forest Folk