Twickenham - A Fantastic Frosty Week

What a fantastic frosty week it’s been!

This week we’ve been lucky enough to run around in beautiful snow, be able to jump into crunchy leaves, watch the frost glisten in the sunshine and huddle up together to keep cosy with warm apple juice. 

We’ve had a fun-filled festive week with lots of Christmas activities and letter writing to Santa. There have been plenty of sing-a-longs and dancing, with lots of renditions of ‘Jingle Bells’ thrown in. The children are getting very good at creating elaborate obstacle courses now so we’ve been having lots of fun climbing, jumping and balancing. The falling snow has given us the chance to search for animal footprints and talk about the North Pole too! 

We said a sad goodbye to our sessional day children until next year and we hope you all have a wonderful festive season!! 

Little Forest Folk