Wandsworth - Wandsworth Turns 6!

We got off to an exceedingly good start at Paradise this week, managing to shade almost the entire camp from the intensity of this week's heat. We found some guttering that the children industriously put together and before you knew it, we had meters of pipe swerving through the camp at Paradise. With the hose taped at the top, the children watched and cheered as the water descended, meandering through the camp and out into the car park! The children really enjoyed lining the pipes up-right and dropping bits of wood into the stream to be carried down by the flow. It was a great team effort.

At snack time on Monday afternoon, our educator Dan, put on a brilliant performance for the children with his shadow upon the tarp which the children watched with captivated interest. In the arts section this week the children have busied themselves with a number of creative endeavours including painting golden leaves into colours of lilac and red. Cutting and sticking have been commonplace as the children have cheerfully made collages of felt and foil.

We had an adventure walk at the common, as is tradition when the weather is good; and the children are always up for an adventure. Wading through the ferns and bracken, we found a spot that was just the right height for the children to have a climb on. Some balanced; some teetered; some shimmied: all had fun. It was an enjoyable afternoon. Climbing is hungry work though, and when we returned to camp, the children were greeted with copious amounts of cucumber and other favourite snacks of theirs.

The children have had another thrilling week in the great outdoors, including celebrating our 6th birthday on Tuesday! We have been very fortunate to have another week of glorious weather for us all. We look forward to having another great week soon. Until then, have a pleasant weekend!!

Little Forest Folk