Wandsworth - Ricocheting Rain

In a week where we have been blessed with every element of a typical British summer, we have enjoyed welcoming some new mini explorers to the forest! From splashing in the muddy puddles as a result of the aftermath of Wednesday’s downpours to mark making underneath a tarpaulin with the sound of the rain ricocheting off our makeshift roof, we have really enjoyed introducing the mini explorers to our forest school lifestyle. 

As excited as we are to welcome these new faces, we are equally as sad to be saying goodbye to some of our veteran forest school children, some of whom are off on holidays before the exciting transition to school. We have enjoyed witnessing these children grow up in front of our very eyes and wish them all the best in the future. 

This week, Educator Dan made a structure out of ropes and logs, which looked a lot like a ladder, but when laid out on the floor, it transpired to be all sorts, from a train with a driver to an aeroplane with a cockpit. It is wonderful to see so many ideas come from such a simple structure. 

We are thankful that the extreme heat seems to have subsided and wish you all a great weekend with temperatures that allow us to go out and enjoy the summer! 

Little Forest Folk