Wimbledon - Puddle Searching

The rain finally made an appearance in the forest this week at Wimbledon, and our children were so happy at the site of muddy puddles! We have missed this so much, so we went out searching for new puddles to jump into which was very exciting!

We have also enjoyed lots of craft activities this week with the children using lots of the amazing pieces of nature around us to create art. We found leaves, sticks and acorns to stick onto giant pieces of cardboard to make some great patterns.

We also used paint in trough trays to then press paper onto and create different patterns. Each time the children did this they then looked at what pictures they thought they could see in their creations.

Another way we have kept busy this week is with a lot of role play. The children have gone between being dinosaurs, pirates and even parents within their games. They have used the resources around us to go into another world and it’s been so great to watch!

Another wonderfully busy and exciting week at Wimbledon, but we wouldn’t have it any other way!

Little Forest Folk