Wandsworth - Pasta, String & Clay

Amongst the many activities this week, the children loved making necklaces from pasta and string. Here, rather uniquely, children get to be involved with all parts of the process in an activity. From opening the pasta packet, pouring out the contents into containers, measuring and snipping twine, pulling and cutting tape to bind an end, and knotting on a stopper all before even starting the threading process! Many necklaces were made for self and for family too, with some kind gifting to parents at collection which was wonderful to see. Some of these creations were even used as “snake toys” around our sites, with groups of children thoughtfully making “zoo homes” and preparing meals on plates for their new pets.

Clay play has been fun this week too, with all sorts of creations and experiments taking place in art areas and beyond. Here, plenty of practice has seen children work on fine motor skills with rolling, pinching, and pressing to get the desired shapes and parts together. As well as plenty of wiggly worms, children made snails and even dogs with stick legs and a leafy tail. Later in the week some children found a piece of clay hidden under leaves and on one of the rainier days delighted in swishing, squishing and splatting it onto the fallen oak and all over their hands. With permission, many then had fun decorating Matt’s waterproofs in finger dots and stripes, with a laughter filled grand finale of giving him a nice relaxing clay mask!

We hope your weekend is as relaxing as a forest clay mask and you are all refreshed for a brand-new week soon.

Little Forest Folk