Twickenham - Muddy Puddles & Rainbows

We have had a marvellous muddy week this week! The rain has meant there have been plenty of big puddles which all our Little Forest Folk-ers have loved jumping in, and with the sun shining too we have been able to spot some wonderful rainbows.

All the children have been working hard to ensure the twig house is looking its best, they have been carefully weaving wool between the twigs, which has meant it gets more colourful by the day. This isn’t just a twig house of course, this week alone it has been a cafe, a cage for animals and an office… they all remembered to bring their briefcases too!

We introduced and talked about the importance of Remembrance Day and the children experimented with red and black paint to create their very own poppies.

The children have been noticing the changing of the trees more and more. Watching the Plane Tree seeds falling has inspired them to collect lots of seeds and use them as ingredients in the mud kitchen, where, even when the children are wrapped up warm with their woolly hats on, they make sure to prepare some delicious ice cream!

Little Forest Folk