Wimbledon - Music Mania and Puddle Jumping

Music mania and puddle jumping

This week at Wimbledon has been so busy, with an array of different activities and learning opportunities for all the children to be involved with. We have had our musician Joe back with us this week which has led to some incredible songs and musical moments. Continually something all our children enjoy exploring is the musical instruments, and this week the little ones have been making their own sounds with a mini guitar. Taking turns to strum the strings and create their own songs has been such a joyful experience. The little ones have also been learning more songs to sing and dance to, filling the forest with beautiful tunes.

Further in Wimbledon the rain has come, and this has only added to our play. There has been endless puddles to jump in and stories to tell whilst sheltering from the rain. The bunnies and foxes have enjoyed watching the environment around us shift and creating new play opportunities; from making mud balls to enjoying extending climbing skills on more slippery surfaces. The highlight of the extra rain has of course been rainbow hunting when the sun finally comes out - what a magnificent sight, seeing an amazing clear sky filled with all the colours of the rainbow.

There has been lots of play around fire making this week, which inspired a real fire on Wednesday. The educators and children went around the site collecting good sticks to add to the fire and to also build a safety circle around it. Once the sticks were placed in the fire pit the children headed back to the bench and enjoyed watching the flames begin to form. This week we added some special powders to change the colours of the flames and as if by magic the flames turned green, blue and red. How incredible to watch!

Another fantastic week filled with adventure and creativity!

Little Forest Folk