Wandsworth - Pancakes & Painting

This week many children had a very different forest experience as we spent all five days on the Bowls Field. We consider ourselves lucky to have Little Forest Folk Wandsworth spread across two locations and we were delighted that some Forest-only children could enjoy this space too.

On Tuesday, children had a great time measuring, weighing, and pouring out ingredients for pancakes. Here, some excellent listening and communication combined with kind turn taking helped to create the perfect batter mix. These were cooked by Dan and Sam in a sizzling wok and everyone had a chance to sample the delicious culinary creations during afternoon snack.

The cooking activity, with the fire lit beforehand, meant that some children got to experience the joy of finding and selecting the right sort of wood, and forming the right structure to be lit. Naturally, the rules are exceptionally important around the fire, and we had some practice throughout the day without the fire lit. As an example, everyone did so well to understand and apply the way we only step backwards over our seats to move away.

Plenty of bold painting took place too, with the opportunity on the field to paint anything and everything far beyond the confines of the paper in front of you. This meant that all the playhouses were wonderfully redecorated, alongside pretty much every other horizontal, diagonal, and curved surface! Children also enjoyed being able to use bio-degradable glitter on the field and amongst the awesome artwork, some shimmering underwater scenes were proudly dried on the art wall and taken home.

We’ll be back to the usual week next week, but in the meantime have a great weekend.

Little Forest Folk