Twickenham - Return Of The Forest Swing!

This week has been another fun and exciting week in the forest. One of the most popular activities this week was the opportunity to make our own playdough. The children loved experimenting with all of the colours, and we ended up with a rainbow of different doughs to create with. The most popular creations were all sorts of different foods, which were served to the educators for a delicious ‘banquet’, yum!

Also, our glorious on-site chickens have been out and exploring the forest too! The children have loved carefully stroking them and watching them eat all the bugs they can find on the forest floor. It’s such a great opportunity for our explorers to learn about other creatures we share the world with and how to treat them with respect and kindness.

Another big hit this week was the return of the forest swing. The children were all really excited to see it back and were all great at lining up and waiting their turn.

We are looking forward to another week of fun with our full day children next week and hope our sessional day children enjoy all their half-term adventures! We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Little Forest Folk