Putney Heath - Creativity week!

Creativity week!

What another fantastic week it has been here at Putney Heath. We have engaged in some amazing creative activities and enjoyed some fun rainy play.

One highlight of our week has to be our brilliant hairdressing station. The children had the opportunity to create their own cool hairstyles by threading beads onto pipe cleaners and string and attaching them to cardboard faces. The children showcased their fantastic fine motor skills during this activity and created some truly amazing hairstyles. I know where to come if I need my hair styled!

Another creative activity the children really enjoyed this week was mask making. The children decorated their masks using special chalk markers and wore them with pride whilst roaming around the forest. We had cats, superheroes and unicorns and the masks supported their role play fantastically.

Towards the end of the week we were welcomed with some wonderful rain showers which means only one thing… PUDDLES! As you know, the children here at Putney Heath love puddles and the mud didn’t disappoint. The children enjoyed splashing and swimming in the puddles and we had some super muddy faces at the end of the day. The best kind of day :)

We hope you all have a restful weekend and we look forward to more adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath