Morden - We’re going on Safari!!

We’re going on Safari!!

Our Little Forest Folk-ers have been really loving the role play spaces we have set up around the forest this week! One of their favourite areas to create their own little worlds has been pretending to drive through different wilderness areas and landscapes to look for their favourite animals!!

The safari explorers have been taking turns to drive the ‘jeep’ around the savannah; “put your seat belts on everyone! This could get bumpy!” They have been really considerate with each other’s space and want to make sure that everyone can join in their jeep. “Can you move over please? They need more space!”
As we have been driving along in the jeep, the children spot the different animals they’ve been learning about through the wildlife and animal books we’ve been looking at together in the reading area! “An African elephant! Their ears are sooo big!” “let’s tip-toe closer to make sure we don’t spook him!”

This game has been really popular with both our older ones and our littler adventurers too! They help each other to climb into the box we call our ‘car’ if they need a hand - “you can do it all by yourself! Would you like to hold my hand if you’re scared?” The care and attention for the younger ones play by some of our older children has been so lovely to see and is really building our little ones' sense of community in the nursery! Good job Little Forest Folk-ers!!

Little Forest Folk