Wandsworth - Observing the Change in Wildlife Around Us

As the autumnal sun graces us with it’s presence increasingly less, it has been hoods up and wellies on in the forest this week as we went in search of one of our favourite past-times, muddy puddles! Children and educators all had lots of fun splashing in these together, and there was laughter and smiles all round! Conversations were had around turn taking, as we ensured all the children got an equal share of the splashing action!

When back in camp, we have spent timeobserving the change in wildlife around us. The bunnies of Wimbledon Common that hop on by in the spring months are hibernating, the caterpillars too, but the Robin redbreasts are just waking up, and seem particularly hungry, as they attempt to collect any scrap of food they can find.

We are starting to get into the festive mood here already, making felt snowmen was a definite favourite activity in the forest this week, and a big green beautifully decorated Christmas Tree seems to have appeared in the bowling club too, much to our excitement!

Wishing all our families a lovely final weekend of November!

Little Forest Folk