Wandsworth - Multiple Farewells!

In a week of splendid weather, we have endeavoured to make sure that our final week on this part of the common has been a good send off. What’s more, it is the last week for some of our little explorers here. Cramming in as much as we could for the children's entertainment, we have made sure it's been a particularly special week.

The children and staff have embarked on several jolly adventure walks over the days. Frolicking about, on the lookout for butterflies! We certainly found some. In one event, back at camp we were lucky enough to find a common lizard and baby toad, much to the children's delight!

We also brought a parachute for the children to play with, which they utilised in several lively and innovative ways, fluttering it, wearing it, and using it as a den! Our educator Sam was wonderful, investing the attention of many of the children in his pirate game. The shouts of; "Port! Hull! Ahoy!" enthusiastically being bellowed by many cheery faces.

This beloved spot of land in the forest has been the most idyllic place for us for so very long. Contained within the perimeter of our rainbow ribbons, we have all cultivated an untold number of delightful stories, games, and memories. Onwards to somewhere different where we might emulate those good times. Have a great weekend everyone!

Little Forest Folk