Wandsworth - Daffodil Bulb Planting

Another mild week, with sunshine eventually powering through the clouds meant a mostly tarp-less environment for us all to enjoy the canopies and skies above.

Amongst all the fun, the week began with more daffodil bulb planting. After a simple demonstration, explaining roots and shoots, children scattered and sped across the site to find digging tools. On return there was some good negotiation around favourite-coloured spades and preferred trowels alongside some good sharing as the activity went on. The keen digging crew crowded the bed we were working on, and a busy environment like this helps children to understand their space and the space of others, whilst considering digging movements, and the manoeuvring of mud. Certainly there was plenty of mud flying around, but these moments are perfect to help us learn the best ways to keep each other safe!

Around 30 bulbs were planted this Monday, which totals 100 so far. There’s still a window to get more down before another shift in climate and we’re all excited to see the golden blooms around the field in the new year! Activities like these are complimented by some excellent books, and a particular favourite is “The Runaway Pea”.

As we enter the month of December, the children certainly have a special day in mind that we are all counting down to! Decoration making helped us to hone our fine motor skills with snips, sprinkles and splatters galore. Finished with a little bit of threading and knot tying, everyone has enjoyed getting involved in this creative activity. Great imaginations have meant plenty of play around reindeers too, with children steering each other with loops of string through arms, up to the shoulders and used like reigns. Educators have helped to make branch shelters for reindeers to rest in, and many enjoyed making magical delicious dishes to help our four-legged friends to recharge.

We hope you all have an enjoyable and restful weekend. See you all soon.

Little Forest Folk