Wimbledon - Frosty mornings and the sunny meadow

Frosty mornings and the sunny meadow.

Winter has begun in Wimbledon and we have been loving all the opportunities this has brought us in the forest.

In order to stay warm and enjoy the sunshine we have been spending lots of time out on the meadow. There are plenty of opportunities out there; from mushroom hunting, tree climbing and running games. On Thursday we set up an obstacle course out on the meadow. The little ones walked up and down planks, balanced along pallets and jumped off logs. We also used golf balls and spoons to recreate an egg and spoon race, as well as creating plenty of mud balls. The parachute was then brought out and we all enjoyed playing games and running underneath it as it came down.

Further this week both groups we have been loving painting. Using a variety of resources from water colours to mud to powder paints. It is amazing watching our little ones create their own masterpieces from whatever they have around them. The practitioners have also been supporting exploring and mixing lots of different colours. While using pipettes the Little Forest Folk-ers sprayed water and paint mixing them together, watching as the texture and colours changed.

Role play has been a key theme this week, it is amazing seeing how imaginative our children all are. On one day we had a group of monkeys who spent their time climbing trees and planning their day from what they would need to eat and when to go to sleep. Small wooden figurines have also been added to the play, allowing rich imagination, and the creation of our own little families.

A fantastic week at Wimbledon.

Little Forest Folk