Chiswick - Golden Autumnal Walks

We’ve had a rollercoaster of weather this week, showers leading to sun 🌞
This weather has meant fun-filled squishing and squelching through muddy puddles and creating a mud kitchen heaven. 🌧

We’ve constructed towers, high and low and used triangles and squares to make small world houses.

In arts and crafts we’ve sewn patterns into fabrics, experimenting with changing the fabric shape to represent an object like a fishing rod. 🪡 🧵

On Thursday we had some families celebrate Thanksgiving, and we’ve taken this chance to each write a note to say what we are thankful for. 🙏

On Friday we ended our week as messily as possible by crushing gingerbread biscuits, and finishing with a dollop of yoghurt to create a vegan cheesecake. 🍪

Our walks have been gorgeous; walking through golden leaves, which match the golden sun - this has felt really autumnal with a refreshing coldness to the air. 🍂

Katie has worked on phonetics with the children, singing “Snakes are in the grass, snakes are in the grass”, by putting emphasis on the letter ‘s’. 🐍

Mariko also helped settle us into a relaxing state when she brought her ukulele into the forest at the beginning of the week, we sang merrily to twinkle twinkle and wheels on the bus 🎸

We can’t wait to see you all again for more fun next week!

Little Forest Folk