Fulham - Pirates, Self Portraits & a Magnificent Mud Pie

This week in the Fulham forest we have seen some amazing activities take place.

The children have been learning about syllables; we had lots of fun thinking about how many syllables there are in our names and taking turns at clapping out the syllables.

One day, the children were really engaged in role play and we created a large pirate ship on site using crates, where the children were able to use props and their imagination to pretend to be pirates out at sea finding treasure. YARRR!

A good focused activity saw the children creating self-portraits. Using little mirrors, we were able to look and speak about what we look like and our differences in appearance and then create little cardboard hang-ups of ourselves.

Now the weather is picking up and it is becoming colder out in the forest we have been doing a lot of physical group games such as ‘what’s the time Mr Wolf’, and also lots of running around to keep warm.

Towards the end of the week, we prepared a surprise for our educator Sabrina whose birthday will be on the weekend. In the mud kitchen we created a magnificent mud pie with leaf sprinkles and the children used sticks to represent candles, adding 26 sticks on the cake to match her age. After she returned from her lunch the children surprised her by bringing out their finished product as we all sang happy birthday.

Little Forest Folk