Wandsworth - Big Forest Folk-ers

This week, we again enjoyed the company of some Big Forest Folk-ers, who came to play with us for stay and play sessions. We appreciate the inspiring energy you all brought, and we look forward to doing more of them in the future; the benefit to our Little Forest Folk community is clear to see.

This week one of our greatest experiences was creating a colossal giant on the forest floor made from all the surrounding logs, branches, stones, and leaves. This activity was inspired by seeing children carving giant shapes into the freshly rain dampened floor to reveal dry light brown lines below.

We began with a giant circle as the head which was soon filled with features. To help the children better understand what comes next below the head, we looked at each other’s bodies and practiced labelling what we could see, learning new words like ribs, ankles, and hips as a few examples. With great communication, a good understanding that all ideas were great ideas and good teamwork, several children committed to creating a true masterpiece.

Here, children also enjoyed being perched on educators’ shoulders to get a better view of their creation, where they were able to direct friends to complete details that had been left out.

This is absolutely an activity we will be revisiting with all children, and we expect they’ll all be telling you about it soon! Have a great weekend everyone and we’ll see you all soon.

Little Forest Folk