Wimbledon - tea bag rockets

Another busy and wonderful week at Wimbledon!

The children had a visit from an old favourite, the Mad Scientist, who had some wonderful citrus fruit volcano experiments for them. He also made some fun tea bag rockets - who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?!

We also did some bug hunts this week! With the grass getting longer and the sun shining, we thought it was a great time to look for bugs. The children got their magnifying glasses ready and went to explore. They spotted dragonflies, butterflies, and spiders to name a few. This is such a great way to learn about the creatures around us and how to care for and respect them.

The tools were also out in the forest as some of our children took part in a hammering activity. Watching as these young children show so much control over the tools is incredible, and what a great skill to learn so young!

Another wonderful Wimbledon week!

Little Forest Folk