Wandsworth - Apples Galore

The week began with wind-fall apples galore, brought in by Dan on the way in to work. After a little bit of explaining that these were for playing with rather than eating, the fruit was being used in numerous games and activities around the field. Much delight was found around the gutters and drainpipes where children rolled them down, excitedly celebrating as they reached the bottom and “bashed” into each other. It was incredibly popular and we observed and supported with some great sharing and turn taking so all could partake in equal measure.

In other areas, the apples were also used in the mud kitchen, and became the dietary choice of a family of dragons, with a daddy and mummy dragon, turning the apples into several courses for many ravenous wyrmlings! These meals were “cooked” inside a grouping of tyres which had transformed into a microwave, an oven and another oven when the first oven was full!

In the forest, the dragons re-emerged and many children joined in with making “a dragons nest in a cave”. Here, children collected “hundreds and hundreds” of sticks, and placed them into a circular shape near the fallen oak. Next, children lifted or pulled over long branches, and tipped them up against the oak. Educators were ready to help, and naturally made sure that all the branches were placed safely and fixed fast. Finally, children found some pine cones for eggs, which were covered in leaves to keep them warm.

Have a great weekend everyone. We’ll update you soon on the dragons eggs as they may be hatching next week!

Little Forest Folk