Wimbledon - A Creative Week

It’s been a busy week in the forest at Wimbledon!

We have been getting creative this week and using the amazing things that autumn has to offer to create some wonderful pieces of artwork, using the colourful leaves as the main focus of our work. The children were given large pieces of cardboard to glue different objects to and have created some incredible autumn collages, it is wonderful to see them fully embracing their artistic sides!

We have also had some fun finger-painting activities in the forest where the children drew around different items and then used their fingers to colour in the shapes. This made each object have a wonderful design and mixing the colours looked so great on the finished pictures.

The children have also enjoyed exploring different letters this week. We have been looking at different books, including some of our new poem books. We have also been talking about rhyming words and the children even read the poems out in front of their friends.

It’s been another wonderful week!

Little Forest Folk