Wandsworth - An Arrow Hunt!

We started out at Paradise this week with all sorts of games. Cutting out several paper arrows, we hid them throughout the play area and went on an 'arrow hunt.' The children dispersed themselves, splitting off in groups and pairs. They all looked with a great spirit of adventure and many of them returned with success! Our educators, Maria and Luca, also took the children on a bear hunt! When Luca emerged from behind the flowers, the children all shrieked excitedly and ran with Maria to safety! Close call!

The children have continued to enjoy Wimbledon Common. The camp has been aflutter as the children have traced and chased. With the help of Dan, they made a multitude of labels to tape onto the den under the oak. All at once, thanks to the signs that the kids helpfully stuck up, it had; a garden, a bedroom, a bathroom and a sitting room. Very cosy!

In the arts section this week, the children have enjoyed snipping and tying ribbons onto their sticks. It's been very pretty seeing shades of violet and burgundy flailed about on their wands! The children have shrugged off the occasional deluge and taken shelter under our tarps, where they've been able to listen to stories of tigers and bears! 

We've had plenty of opportunities for fun and laughter once again this week. The children have been as delightful as ever and we are only too happy to see what next week brings. Have a great weekend everyone!

Little Forest Folk