Wimbledon - Hairdressers, Doctors and Dentists

This has truly been the week of imaginative play, both groups have been busy getting completely immersed in their own worlds. Using the hairstyling set- scissor, hairdryer, comb and shampoo, we have had many children enjoy crazy new hairstyles, great cuts and even some new colours. We have also seen some wonderful doctor role-playing, with the children helping give birth or checking that everyone’s knees are ok. Some doctors were busy cooking up medicine while others worked hard building a stick hospital. There has just been so much role play, and we love seeing how deep into the worlds the little ones go. 

We have finally had a break in the hot weather in Wimbledon, but this has come with lots of rain too, however this never puts a dampener of the little ones’ day. There are more puddles to jump in, slugs to search for and certainly more fun to be had. Both groups have been out on adventure walks, not only to keep warm and dry but also to investigate if anything new has grown with the warm weather and rain. Our Little Forest Folk love exploring the area around them and noticing differences! 

“Play is very serious business” Sir David Attenborough.

Little Forest Folk