Wandsworth - Adventure Walks & Playing with Rocks!

We had a wonderfully sunny start this week at Paradise. Collectively, the children love climbing in the trees, grasping and stepping between the branches. Some pretending to be monkeys, with others being sloths. There's never a dull moment. At the crafts table, our educators Maria and Kate busily helped many of the children to make some exquisite fox masks. The children were only too happy to get involved with the scissors and glue! 

At the forest on Tuesday, we spent the morning enjoying the comforts of the camp. Some of the traditional staples of activity; the football ricocheting about the trees; the deeply serious business of mud castle making. In the afternoon, our very own trailblazer, Dan, led the way on another exciting adventure walk. Together, our little adventurers travelled off the beaten path and passed thickets and oaks. On the return journey, our educator, Luca, found a pile of large, rounded rocks. Doubtless they could be put to good use.

Throughout the following days, we hid many of the rocks for the children to find. Having individually written a letter on each of them, it was a great game that brought some elements of literacy with it. They searched for a long time for the rather elusive 'm.' Another function we found for them was stacking. Some of the children were in concentration piling and balancing them. Eventually we had some tall and proud cairns. Very aesthetically pleasing! 

We have been very pleased to see the children continually engaged and entertained at both sites. It's a joy watching their imaginations flourish. We deeply look forward to doing it again next week. Have a great weekend everyone!

Little Forest Folk