Wimbledon - Volcanoes in the Forest!

Everyone at Wimbledon has been super busy this week with a mixture of games and activities. We have made mud volcanoes, used our muscles to practice hammering nails, and even saved a bee! There has been something new and exciting each day, explored by every child in the forest.

It is always exciting for our Little Forest Folk-ers to do tool work and they are so amazing at it; all following the safety rules and showing how much they know about the tools. This week we did some sawing to make mini tree cookies which then turned into watches and little animals. We also did some hammering with one of our educators to practice putting nails into wood. These skills are something that our children can take with them into later life, and it is great to get them doing it now so that they can understand how to do it safely.
We have also explored volcanoes this week with our little adventurers. Using bottles dug into mud mounds, the little ones all helped to add various ingredients which would work together to create a chemical reaction and cause an eruption. This provoked conversations about how volcanoes work and where we could find them, which then led to talking about different countries. It is amazing to see where the train of thought goes when the children are learning about something new.

Seeing the excitement on the faces of our children every day and watching them grow in this fantastic environment really is such a joy!

“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” – Margaret Mead

Little Forest Folk