Morden - What do reindeer eat?

It’s been a colder week in the forest! This has had us excited for the month of December and all it brings!

In the mud kitchen we have been collecting ingredients to feed Santa’s reindeer! ‘What do reindeer eat?’ ‘I’ll leave a carrot!’ We’re also looking forward to making mince pies! 🥧

In Arts and Crafts this week we’ve created our own names and finger painted some Christmas lightbulbs 💡. We have made baubles for the Christmas trees using paints which sparked up colourful conversation! ‘Mixing!’ ‘Turning green!’

It’s been a musical week 🎶 Christmas songs have begun so we have had a boogie to keep us warm and happy! Although our favourite song this week was probably ‘I like my white shoes!’ Which got everyone moving and singing along in the forest!

Using our wooden blocks has been a popular activity today. The adventurers have loved using their imagination creating a ship, a rocket 🚀, a train and even a Santa sleigh! This is great for team building and communication! This always leads to other activities such as setting up a coffee shop or running round the forest from a sea monster!

Maria has led sensory activities using rice, multicoloured pasta and other fiddly bits that the children can create imaginary worlds/meals with! This has been great at working their little finger muscles!

We’re looking forward to more activities and ventures next week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk