Putney Heath - Back to the Forest

It has been an action-packed week here at Putney Heath filled with an array of amazing different activities.

We began our week on the Roly Poly Hill again, where the children were learning about their emotions and the colours, they may associate them with. The children listened attentively to ‘The Colour Monster” and discussed the emotions throughout. The children then had to untangle different coloured wool on a monster cardboard cut-out and sort them out into different jars. The children showcased their amazing fine motor skills and showed great focus throughout the activity.

We have also been very excited for the beginning of Christmas and the children engaged in a reindeer target game. The children showed excellent examples of taking their turn and demonstrated good accuracy with their throwing. We also enjoyed a few Christmas songs towards the end of the day and the children joined in with dancing around the clubhouse.

Towards the end of the week, we were able to head back to our wonderful forest site which we were all so excited for. Here, our Little Forest Folk-ers were hard at work trying to save our marine animals from the ocean. The children worked hard to collect and remove the litter from the water to try and save the animals and some of the children created a fishing boat and sailed around to protect our marine friends.

What a fabulous week we’ve had, we can’t wait to see you all back in the forest next week!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath