Morden - Welcome Party Time!

Together we have had another high energy and playful week. Discovering new interests, whilst doing more of what we love.

Our new Little Forest Folk-ers are settling in wonderfully, supported through familiar relationships with the educators. Our little explorers are learning to anticipate sequences and routines within the forest day, which brings possible reassurance to them when needed. It has been amazing to observe friendships forming between the ‘old timers’ of the nursery and our new friends, with the older children being incredibly kind and gentle with their words and invitations to play.

Activity highlights include:

Developing our fruit and vegetable patch with the addition of herbs and saving our other vegetables from the cabbage worm 🐛 infestation. After our excitement of finding a new forest creature, the children took great care to re-home them safely. The excitement continued when we dug up worms, worms and more worms whilst planting! The warmer weather meant that bug hunts slowed a little, but we can’t wait to continue this into the Autumn!

It was very heart-warming to observe our little adventurers taking ownership of their forest, by completing a very child-friendly risk assessment. Rubbish collected, ✔️, all friends wearing a high vis, ✔️, no broken or hanging branches, ✔️, etc. It became all very professional when their clipboard and pens were requested.

Another day, we had a wonderful time thinking on and recalling all the wildlife we have observed in the forest. The children especially enjoyed an activity where we listened to bird sounds to identify which types of birds we share our outdoor space with.

Our little chefs also practiced their practical skills to prepare the apples, weigh oats and pumpkin seeds whilst working together to create quite the feast!

And finally today, we’ve had a great time party prepping for our new settlers and families for our welcome party, we hope you all had a wonderful time with The Tiger Who Came to Tea!

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend, and looking forward to more adventures in the forest next week!

Little Forest Folk