Morden - "The Sun and Water Feed the Veggies!"

Another adventurous week in the forest as our Little Forest Folk-ers expanded their role play ideas, nurtured our vegetable garden and created robots, jellyfish and jetpacks!

The adventurers took responsibility for planting and nurturing seeds for our garden. This week, we have begun to see the vegetables grow and have even spotted a sugar snap pea! We created labels for our vegetables, identifying familiar letters and drawing pictures to go alongside! These are now stuck into the planters to remind everyone of what we have growing in the garden. All of our little learners enjoy watering our vegetables and are excited when the sun comes out. “The sun and water feed the veggies!”

Summer solstice marked the beginning of summer! Vicky encouraged all to sing and dance to a summer song, describing what we can expect to see in summer! “Bumblebees buzzing!” “Flowers blooming!” We crouched as a seed and slowly grew up, taller and taller to reach the sun! After this, Sarah opened a summer flower shop! This encouraged the little ones to use and handle scissors to cut accurately, as well as measure the length of stalks and compare with peers. “Mine is longer than yours, look.” The flowers introduced some new vocabulary to our adventurers as they pointed to petals, stalks, leaves and some even spotted pollen!

We have also enjoyed creating and experimenting with different mediums! We began making a den using tarp, pillows, blankets and hay before realising we definitely needed some decoration! Animals are a common interest among our learners and many began using paper and ribbon to create jellyfish, fish, dinosaurs and even an octopus! We chose a shape, punctured holes and threaded some ribbon through. This was a great focus task as many tried again and again to thread string and ribbon through, not giving up until they succeeded! We hung our decorations up and many used the space to relax, read, draw or role play cafes, bedrooms and offices!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sun!

Little Forest Folk