Fulham - A Giraffe Called Gary

Hello everyone!

It has been another fantastic week in the forest and after some unusual weather days we decided to focus our activities on everything weather related!

This began on Monday with a science experiment looking at how thunder happens. Using a large container of cold water mixed with food colouring, the children watched the reaction as coloured warm water was added into the container. They watched for the slow reaction as the water began to bubble and move around. We also made our own ‘Rainbow mobiles’ by cutting a paper plate in half and decorating it with cotton wool. Then five small holes were made and thread attached to each hole. The children threaded penne pasta along the thread and painted each strand in a different colour. Once dry, these looked wonderfully summery!

Tuesday morning was a bit crazy, with heavy thunder meaning we had to start in the tennis courts. Luckily the weather turned by the afternoon, and we made the most of the improved conditions to take a walk to Bishop’s Park and observe the cute baby goslings sunning themselves around the pond.

We had a slightly bigger visitor to our camp, whose long neck was visible from right at the beginning of the path. A very tall giraffe called Gary had decided to pay us a visit and explore the natural environment we all play in. Unfortunately, when it came to snack time, we had to explain to him that he could not chew on the leaves as that would be against the forest rules of ‘No shaking, no breaking’ and ‘No picking, no licking.’ He had to make do with a juicy piece of apple and a homemade fruit cookie. Afterwards he was kind enough to allow the children to climb up his long neck and observe the view from on high.

Have a lovely weekend!

See you all next week!

Little Forest Folk