Putney Heath - All About Planting!


We have had another fantastic week here at Putney Heath full of different, exciting activities that the children have thoroughly enjoyed. Our highlight of the week has to be our amazing planting activity, which we would love to share with you.

The children have been hard at work for the whole week planting some sunflowers and cress. First, the children used some old paper to wrap around a special wooden tool and then they pressed in the bottom to secure the pot. They then carefully scooped some soil into the pot and placed their seeds inside. We had some wonderful potters at Putney Heath who used fantastic precision and care. The children enjoyed making plants for all members of their families to create their own little gardens at home.

The children have also engaged in some extended family role play this week, delegating different roles. We had lots of babies, a mummy and a daddy and even a pet lion! The children showed their caring side through this role play ensuring that the babies were fed and well looked after.

Some Bugtacular bug hunting took place this week on camp and the children managed to find some slippery slugs hiding under our logs. We followed one slug on its journey from one side of a log to the other side and then into a secret hole to hide from danger. The children loved seeing lots of woodlice scuttle out from the hole that the slug slid into!

We hope you all have a restful weekend and we are looking forward to more adventures next week :)

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath