Morden - Super Forest Folk! 

Super Forest Folk!

This week has been full of superheroes and storytelling! The children gathered around the reading area with one of their favourite books - Super-tato! They were using their fabulous communication skills getting deeper into how ‘brave’ Super-tato is, and how kind he is for looking out for their friends, by rescuing all the veggies!

The children started dressing up as superheroes with capes, masks, and puppets! They used hula hoops to ‘collect superpowers’ by stepping inside them and building up their energy from the ground! Once they had their superpowers, they found an evil dinosaur who was going around the forest and turning the children into monkeys! The children worked together to set up a ‘trap’ with the hula hoops and building blocks. “He can’t get away now!”. They caught the evil dinosaur in their trap and used their superpowers to make sure that the evil dinosaur did not escape!

Little Forest Folk