Fulham - knot training

A short but sweet week this week as we said our final farewells to our beloved Queen on Monday. On behalf of everyone here at Little Forest Folk Fulham, we send our well wishes to the Royal Family and all those mourning the loss of an icon.

As Autumn approaches the children are beginning to explore all the wonderful opportunities that come with it. On Tuesday, whilst waiting for our friends to arrive, some of the children enjoyed walking through the long dewy grass, feeling it swish amongst their wellies. We stopped in our tracks as we noticed something hiding amongst the strands. It was a slug! The children looked at the slug interestingly, noticing it not moving. We talked about how slugs love to slither through the wet grass, making sure they don’t dry in the sun. We also admired its pretty polka dot patterns.

Team Fulham have also been busy this week, continuing to develop our practice to make the forest the best place it can be for our little ones. On Wednesday we enjoyed setting up some activities that our Forest Folk-ers would enjoy and discussed how it would help with their development. We also did some tarp and knot training with Ben making a special appearance to ensure our lovely new educators were ready for the colder months ahead!

We hope you have all had wonderful weeks and we look forward to seeing what the changing of the seasons brings next week.

Little Forest Folk