Putney Heath - Painting, patterns, and puddles! 

Painting, patterns, and puddles!

It has been a short but wonderful week here at Putney Heath and the children have been engaged in a variety of different activities.

There has been an array of painting activities this week and the children have been experimenting with different patterns, resources, and techniques. Starting with our paint spray bottles, the children have enjoyed making paint splatters on a big white fabric sheet, using different colours to create some amazing patterns. Over in the creative area, the children experimented with using wooden knives and forks to mark make and the results were fantastic!

Another highlight this week must be our happy tooth/unhappy tooth activity. We had two big cardboard teeth propped up in the forest and a variety of different foods printed onto small bits of cardboard. The children had the task of sorting out the different foods and discussing whether the foods would make our teeth happy or unhappy. The children were excellent at this! Well done superstars.

We ended the week with some perfectly rainy weather, perfect for puddle jumping and mud kitchen fun.

We hope you all have a restful weekend, and we are looking forward to another week filled with adventures.

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath