Twickenham - fine motor skills

We have had a very short week with the bank holiday and inset day, but we still had lots of fun on our days in the forest. We got crafty and practised some fine motor skills with threading colourful string through holes on cardboard and making squares and triangles and other shapes too. We also did some bug hunting around the forest, this is always a favourite activity for little ones, we take our magnifying glass and swatch books to see what we can discover! We found all sorts of bugs and creepy crawlies hiding under logs. This week we have been feeding meal worms to our friendly robins and little birds who come to visit us. We love this time of year as the seasons change, seeing the subtle changes in our environment each day and recognising these differences is so special with the children. What a wonderful week!

We hope you all have exciting plans this weekend and see you next week!

Little Forest Folk