Morden - Seeds, Scissors & Cinnamon!

Another beautiful week in the forest has come to an end! This week we have been actors, actresses, doctors, chefs and of course dragons and bears! 

On Monday the Little Forest Folk-ers began ripping and soaking paper - such fun! Using our strong hands, we squeezed the excess water from this and flattened it out. We pinched and gripped little seeds, sprinkling them on top of the paper! Drying this will lead to seed paper which can be planted in the future to sustain and grow in our garden! Thank you, little helpers! 

The chefs in the forest this week as always have enjoyed our mud kitchen! Here we have recipe sheets that help us identify letters and materials in which we can mash, stir, pour or mix. This week we have witnessed pancakes, cookies and spaghetti being created and cooked! Vicky flew with this interest, supporting the learners in chopping fresh fruit and vegetables. We used avocado, mint from our garden, cucumber, apple and honey to blend into a smoothie! The colour was vibrant green! Many tasted the yummy smoothie and spoke on the healthy ingredients inside! 

We have enjoyed using scissors this week as this exciting activity can create new shapes and abstractions by those in control! We have recycled magazines in which our little explorers can cut and stick onto collage boards! Independently discussing which animals and letters they favour, cutting shapes and sticking in an order which speaks to them to create a board to take home! The creativity is so different in each, which shows their interests and personality and has been so fun to observe! “I like the seahorse and on top I stuck binoculars because they’re small.” 

We have been caring for our plants by finding natural pesticides such as cinnamon. When the plants droop and begin to look sad, we wonder what we could do to make them happy? “They need sun and water!” 

It’s been a wonderful week in the forest as our adventurers help us care for the area! Even down to the woodlice habitats where we place rotting wood for the creatures to live! We are deepening our pond and transporting stones and sticks to create a new habitat. We can’t wait to see what may reside! 

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week!

Little Forest Folk