Putney Heath - Bug Hunting

We have had a wonderful week in the forest.

Our Little Forest Folk-ers have revelled in bug hunting! Everyone has spent time carefully rolling logs over and identifying slugs, wood lice, spiders and bright green crickets. We’ve searched under leaves for insect eggs and found ladybird larvae and spiderlings. 

Our chefs in the mud kitchen have concocted glorious mud pies and ice creams which they shared with their friends and educators.

Our little explorers have been climbing, clambering, plank house building, swinging high and testing their balance on the slack line as it sways from side to side and bounces a little.

We have been creative with paints, making ladybirds and brightly coloured handprints as well as playing with clay and squishing all sorts of fruits and veggie shapes. Our musicians have been learning new songs and beating our rhythms in time to new songs, our favourite songs this week have been “the sandwich song” and “baby beluga”.

Captain Barnacle Bill came to the forest this week too as we learnt about the sea and all sorts of sea creatures. We sang sea songs, read about sharks and deep-sea creatures and built a seaworthy boat from logs and set sail across Putney Heath.

What a wonderful week, we look forward to more adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath