Fulham - A Diving Board & Snail Hunts!

Another most awesome week has come to a close in the Fulham forest. We started off the week by creating a great structure that the children (with assistance) could practise their jumping skills on, jumping from what could only be described as a diving board, of course having some safety talks beforehand, to make sure we all knew how to do this safely. 

Everyone has enjoyed matching the story picture cards together this week, creating little story boards that we could create our own fun-filled stories from, using the pictures as a guide. This was great fun and was very interesting to hear the children’s interpretations and fun ideas of what could be happening in the pictures.

Colour mixing as also been super popular in the forest this week! A great activity was created to expand on this, and the children got the chance to mix coloured paint together to create all sorts of magical new colours.

Having wet days in the forest is always a blast and the children really do love a splash in all the puddles. Being wet out, we had the opportunity to go on a snail hunt and were honestly very surprised with all the snails we were able to find around! We had a grand total of 15 and enjoyed returning them to where we found them once we’d finished observing them. 

Finishing off the week, everyone enjoyed a great fine motor activity where we worked on our threading. Using some coloured string, the children were able to practise threading in and out of premade holes on bits of cardboard to make their own unique patterns, which all ended up looking super cool!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will look forward to seeing you all soon for more adventures in our Fulham forest

Little Forest Folk