Morden - Roll the Dice!

Our children at the Morden forest have been loving exploring counting and shapes this week! We have been using some special number blocks and dice to roll, matching the number of dots to the numbers on the blocks, and talking about the animals on each side! Our counting and subtracting skills are also put to the test, as we take turns to roll the dice and see how many blocks we hold for that turn!

We have been treasure hunters in the forest this week! Our Little Forest Folk-ers enjoy nothing more than going on a treasure hunt to see what they might discover! Once we had collected lots of small forest treasures we used them to create patterns, a great way to build our fine motor skills.

We've all enjoyed the sunny weather, one of the glorious parts of being outdoors all year round is we get to really appreciate the changing of the seasons. Our Little Forest Folk-ers love to observe the changes in our environment.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Little Forest Folk